Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Coffee News?
Look for us everywhere from fine dining to fast food. 85% of our locations are restaurants. It’s where readers are waiting while actively spending disposable income. Coffee News can also be found in libraries, vet clinics, martial arts studios, doctors offices, and anywhere else you might find yourself with a few minutes of down time.
Can I subscribe to Coffee News?
While we’re flattered you’d want us to mail you a copy, you cannot subscribe to Coffee News. We are not delivered to your mailbox or inbox. The beauty of Coffee News is that it can only be found while someone is out actively spending disposable income. Because of this, we know two things about our readers: they are mobile and they are spending money
How often does Coffee News come out?
New issues are distributed weekly.
How long has Coffee News been in existence?
Coffee News was established in 1988. Today there are over 900 editions in 18 countries around the globe.
Can restaurants advertise in Coffee News?
While we’d love to help every business gain more exposure in the community, restaurants are not able to advertise in our publication. Since Coffee News is category exclusive, no restaurant would welcome their competitor's efforts to take away their customers right inside their own premises, so they would naturally kick them out -- and Coffee News too. We do offer restaurants carrying Coffee News a free listing on our website showing our readers where they can pick up Coffee News.
How much is an ad?
If you’re already in love with the fact that Coffee News is weekly and category-exclusive, then you’re really going to think our ad prices are great! Take a look at our Media Kit. Questions? Give us a call or send us a quick email.
Why do you recommend that my ad run for at least 6 months?
A good ad is like a seed for a fruit tree. Repetition is its water, weekly consistency is its sunlight. The longer your seed is allowed to grow in the mind of the public, the greater and greater your harvests will be. What size harvests do you want to see?
How do I pay for the ad?
We offer you a lot of flexibility in how you choose to pay for your ad. You may pay for the ad by Visa, MasterCard, Amex, ACH, or Venmo. Payment options are determined by the length of your ad run. For more information on our pricing, check out our media kit or contact us.
Do I need to design the ad?
Not unless you really want to! The beauty of working with us is that we take care of everything. We’ll search through your website and social media to find the details that will make your ad uniquely yours. That’s why we only charge a one-time $30 ad design fee. After that, all ad changes are free for life.
Can I change an ad now and then?
Absolutely! Since Coffee News is weekly and ad changes are FREE, you can change your ad as often as you’d like. Seriously.